How to Start Decluttering
When it comes to how to start decluttering, sometimes the hardest thing is just to get started. There is no right or wrong way, obviously, but there are some methods that could help you figure out where to start when decluttering.
First, I’ll share where I got started and then explain the two methods of de-cluttering that I used.
Where I Started Decluttering
The first place I decided to start with was the smallest drawer in our kitchen. Its a drawer that has random things in it, like scissors, tape, batteries, random papers and stuff you just don’t know what to do with.
Some people might call this their junk drawer or utility drawer. Whatever you call it, I’m sure we all have one. It seemed like the easiest place to start for me. It was the one place I knew needed a good tidy anyway.
Quick Wins When Decluttering
For me, getting that one drawer done was a quick and easy win. It felt satisfying and made me what to continue on to the next drawer and then the next.
My point is, choose a spot that is going to be a quick win. Starting small will help you stay motivated. If you tackle a big job first, you may quickly feel overwhelmed and you may want to give up entirely. Remember it is a slow and stead journey, not a race to the finish line.
Gather Supplies Before You Start Decluttering
Before starting, I do recommend you pull out those boxes you saved from Christmas and have some garbage bags handy, as well. From this point on, any time a box comes into your home, that gives you permission to fill it back up with things to get rid of. Now you never have to wonder what to do with all those Amazon boxes again. Your welcome.
Methods of Decluttering
Now on to a couple of methods that could help you figure out where to start when decluttering.
I am only going to be highlighting two different methods in this post. Mainly because they are the two methods I have used.
30 day Minimalist Challenge
With this method, you would start on the first day of the month. You start by getting rid of one item on the first, then two items on the second, and so forth. You end with 30 items on the last day. In total you get rid of 465 items! There are also several different 30 day challenges on Pinterest. Each day of the challenge highlights a different thing to focus on de-cluttering. It covers most of the bases so it will give you a good start.
This is the method that started my journey. It got me hooked! When I completed the 30 days, I wasn’t satisfied. I wanted to keep going. I wanted to get rid of more. So, this is a warning. Once you get started, more than likely, you’ll be hooked and you wont want to stop.
Onion Method
With this method, you think of your home as having layers. In short, for example, you start with what you can see. Then you start going through cupboards, drawers, and closets. The first time around, you mainly just getting rid of old or expired products, things that are wore or stained, things that make you say, “why was I saving this?” or “I didn’t even know I had this”. This is the easy layer that doesn’t take much thought. Then when you go back around again, it may take a little more time and thought. You keep peeling away layers, in a sense. You would be amazed at how you will find stuff every time!
After going through a couple of layers, I thought I was done, but at some point my mind set really changed and I still saw so much more I didn’t want or need.
My Experience When Decluttering
The process of de-cluttering has been slow for me. Being in a Crohns flare for 18 months, there was a lot I didn’t use. So, I couldn’t base my decisions off of if I had used something in the last year or not. I’ve had to live out a year of my life normally to see if I would utilize certain things. I think that is why the onion method worked so well for me.
For some, you may just want to go through each area of your home once. More of a one and done method.
I hope these methods sound helpful and inspire you to get started. Let me know in the comments what method you would want to give a try.